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Incorporation Information Form

It's pretty straightforward, but here's some explanation:

  • Download or open our Incorporation Information Form.
  • The form covers BC, Alberta, Ontario, and Canadian federal corporations.
  • The form is a fillable PDF, so you can enter the information directly into the form.  However, you won't be able to save the information on the form unless you have an up-to-date version of Adobe Reader, so you may wish to print it out before closing.
  • PDF viewers other than Adobe Reader, such as the default readers on many smartphones, will not allow you to enter and save data on the form. Make sure to open the form in Adobe reader if you wish to submit it digitally.
  • Click here if you wish to download Adobe Reader. If you already have an older version of Reader, make sure to uninstall it before installing a new version.
  • If you prefer to print the form to fill out by hand, that's absolutely fine. You can scan it or send it to us by fax.
  • Fill it out as best you can. We'll cover any questions you have after we receive the form.
  • Once filled, please send the form by fax to 604-272-6959 or email it to us.  We will respond within one or two days once we receive it.  Check back if you don't hear from us.

Per Law Society of British Columbia regulations:

None of downloading the form or sending it to us creates a lawyer-client relationship with you.  Do not use the form to send confidential information.

Incorporating can improve your business image.