Ready to start? Download our Incorporation Instructions form now.
We offer Alberta incorporations because Alberta offers some of the lowest corporate income tax rates in Canada. There is no provincial sales tax, though federal GST does apply, and many filing fees are lower than elsewhere in Canada. The main disadvantage to incorporating in Alberta is that at least one quarter of the corporation's directors must be Canadian residents.
Before incorporating a named company in Alberta, a name reservation must first be obtained. Except for number name corporations (such as 453236 Alberta Ltd.), a valid Alberta-biased NUANS name search report must be obtained before an application for an Alberta named corporation is filed. During most times of the year, expect a two or three business day turnaround from the examination department. Alberta allows submission of up to three alternate names for the corporation in order of preference.
A three-element name format is usually the safest choice, especially in Alberta: distinctive element / descriptive element / legal ending; such as Smith Enterprises Inc. Names with unique first elements are more likely to be approved. Common or popular words are often rejected. In Alberta, there are three choices of legal ending: Limited (Ltd.), Corporation (Corp.) or Incorporated (Inc.). The designations all have the same meaning: that the entity is a corporation with limited liability for its shareholders.
You may choose a numbered name for your corporation for faster filing results. The government automatically assigns the next corporation number on filing that kind of application. You can later change to a named corporation, though at some extra cost.
For each person who will be a director, officer or shareholder in the corporation, supply the full name (first, middle, last -- just as printed in a person's birth certificate or valid drivers licence or passport) and full street address (not post office box). Directors and officers must be legal adults, and at least 25% of the directors must be "Canadian-resident," meaning a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who in fact usually lives in Canada (there are exceptions for those on active military or government service). One person corporations are allowed in Alberta, and are quite common.
Decide upon a simple or complex share structure with common or preferred shares (Class "A" or "B" shares). We can help you select what are the best choices for you.
Provide the street address in Alberta for the corporation's registered office. Post office box numbers are not allowed. Please tell us if you need this service when you order your Alberta corporation. We can refer you to a suitable registered office located in Alberta.
Incorporating will take (usually) three or four business days, once we have full information and payment from you. (As with federal or Ontario corporations, because only one name choice can be reserved at a time, if the name you choose runs into trouble at the name reservation stage, the process can take a little longer.) The Alberta Corporate Registry provides only PDF files of the incorporation documents. After the date of incorporation, allow an extra week or two for creation and shipping of the corporate records book.
All this for Only $795.00 CAD (taxes included!).
Extras not included in the above price (but please ask):
Or download our Incorporation Instructions form now.
For residents of the United States who will be carrying business in Canada, ask us about forming an Alberta unlimited liability corporation (ULC). The incorporation process is the same, but the resulting corporation will have unlimited liability (instead of the usual limited liability a corporation gives). An Alberta ULC can have tax benefits where circumstances merit using them. The ULC costs an additional $200 CAD plus applicable tax.
Still have questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.
An Alberta corporation must have a Registered Office within Alberta. Offices must be accessible to the public during regular business hours.
Not quite sure how to get started?
INC Business Lawyers will guide you through the steps to Incorporate your business in Alberta, Canada.
Alberta has some of the lowest tax rates in Canada
ONLY $795
for standard Canadian Federal incorporations
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