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January 2010

  • Knock-out Searches


    Before adopting a trademark, it’s wise to carry out various kinds of searches on that mark. You’re trying to find out, as best as you can, whether someone else has already adopted the mark for their business.

    However, all too often, calls come in where the process has been reversed: the trademark owner has chosen their mark and finalized all their domain registrations and possibly even their corporation name, and it’s only at that point that they turn their mind to finding out whether their chosen mark is in fact available as a trademark.

  • What does it Cost to Trademark in Canada?


    What’s a realistic budget for registering a trademark in Canada? As in most things legal, the fully correct answer is the one hardest for a client to hear: it depends. Each client’s needs are different, and one can never know what will happen when any particular trademark application is filed.

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